Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mom Charged with Medical Neglect Speaks Out

I've been following this story about a South Carolina mom, Jerri Gray, who was charged with medical neglect for allowing her 14 year old son to balloon to 550 pounds and now the mom has spoken out (watch here). Not only is she claiming no responsibility, but she is blaming the fact that she worked two jobs as the reason for her son becoming morbidly obese. Now I sympathize with how hard it must be to be a single mother working two jobs, but that does not excuse the fact that you let your son become 550 pounds at age 14.

This story proves how important perceptions and role models are. Her perception of her son is not one of a morbidly obese individual because she herself is close to 400-500 lbs as well. Being surrounded by his mom undoubtedly change his perception of weight so that he begins to think that 550 lbs is normal.

The mother must take responsibility for not setting a healthy example. I understand that working two jobs and being a single mom might make exercise and eating healthy tougher, but it is still not impossible. It MUST be a priority. She and her son Alexander, have to and do eat- she even said "sometimes I'd buy him fast food"-so since eating is a necessary human function why not buy something healthier. These options can be convenient and inexpensive, even fast food. McDonalds, Wendys, Subway all have healthy options.

To become 550 lbs in 14 years he would of had to gain 40+ lbs every year assuming he was around 10 lbs when he was born! She could easily have taken away the television and computer and encouraged him to be active instead or prohibited the consumption of food. To gain 40lbs a year you have to be eating all the time

I am glad to see that the state stepped in and did something about it. The state can not be monitoring the weight of every child since that should be the parents responsibility, but there is a place for monitoring in schools, doctor's office and on sports teams. With that said, healthy behavior must be role modeled within the home as well!

Hopefully Alexander can lose weight as the once 400 lb Jessica has (watch here). The 7 year old who gained 200 lbs from the age of 5 is another example of parental neglect. Not sure why her parents were not charged either. She was 200 lbs at the age of 5 and then gained another 200 lbs in two years! The girl could not walk she was so large, but would continue to ask for food (watch here). The parents could have done something to prevent this, like limiting her food intake and getting to exercise. Yet another example of parents not being a good role model for the kids and not instilling/encouraging healthy behaviors.

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